First realise that every move they make is planned in advance
right down to the smallest detail and then rehearsed.
Thus you must plan and rehearse your line in the sand,
whether it be vaccinations which you cannot take and be healthy, fact;
gun confiscation - enough said;
going off grid;
avoiding their food and water;
or microchipping. The latter you must avoid even at the
price of your life. Not only is it not worth living with their microchip in you….according even to the man who designed
it, but it it will cost you the loss of your soul and an eternity of hell - no joke….read Revelations. This is the end
time that that book is speaking about….with microscopic and pin point accuracy.
Prayer is essential together with your planning as this
will guide you in the right direction. Their psyops have taken this away from you but you can get it back again. It just requires
your own will.
Secondly they will try to steer you into the direction
they want you to take through the subtle use of ALL forms of the mass media, including film, including the use of trigger
words and phrases and they will bypass your conscious mind altogether and go straight for the subconscious but evil is evil
and no matter how much they try to disguise it and use it to work on that part of our nature which is vulnerable. Do not get
sucked in to the police state mentality, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to extricate yourself from it.
Seek wholesome recreation, reading, music, films and strengthen
those you love. Draw close to them for mutual strength and bonding.
Third, remember that this IS the end time and don't expect
any slack from the authorities. In this way you can avoid falling into their pitfalls and traps and this applies to the general
populace as well, for once they align themselves with the NWO they become the shock troops for it. This will intensify over
the 3 years remaining of this tribulation.
Educate your children and your loved ones and try to protect
them as much as possible.
Try to stay spiritually connected with the entire anti
- establishment worldwide. These spiritual bonds will eventually bring down the NWO. Spend a little time each day in
meditation to this end.
Know that the sacrifices you make will bring in the new
paradise on earth at the end, when evil has reached its height and there is nowhere else for it to go but to come crashing
down, as foretold in Apocalypse (Revelation.)
Spare some time regularly to read passages of the New Testament
but not the modern corrupted version. Search -King James version.
Pray for spiritual unity with all those opposed to the
police state NWO terror regime which wishes to impose hell on this beautiful earth.
God bless you mightily as you read and decide to act upon
this no matter how little the response may be.
Read a true story, which occurred on 9/11/99, this
will give strength and encouragement to all; - "30,000 Angels Turn up at Sydney Demo for East Timor Independence."