Headlines aren't headlines, they are propaganda control
memes that steer the populations in the direction the controllers want to take them.
They may be based on current events but the actual wording
has to fit the editors, read controller's, overall population control objectives, not his own but those to whom he is accountable.
This is not fictitious, nor is it based on his own ideas but fits the strict set of parameters laid down
for all media control of populations.
That it
is a serious science can be gleaned from the knowledge that media is the main means of control of the population.
They want a population that is subservient to the ruling
interest, not questioning, not defiant, not in any way fostering of community development which would lead to unity
and a powerful force against the injustices in the system they are trying to preserve.
The end goal is the NWO Orwellian souless entity with its
specific automaton role in the spiritually lifeless machine and this is what the media is creating.
Therefore we should be wary and questioning of everything
in the media particularly the specific cues created by headlines.
Real headlines;- one
Illegal and artificial state of Israel uses American money
to torture, repress and suppress men women and children in open air prison called Gaza …. no end in sight.
………..Rest of world looks
on - stunned silence- leaders mute.
Satanic force takes over music industry.
………….. why is music is no longer
Banks sole cause of the bankrupting nations including America
- impoverishing citizens.
……cause of inflation
military - for profit central bank owned industry
……..hence wars
Monsanto poisoning world
…….as is bank owned pharmaceutical industry
separation of church and state policy - success
….promotes paganism
people now looking behind the news
what is really going on.