words and actions of Christ while he lived on earth.
These are easily available all over the net.
In a nutshell: Christ died to save us from hell through
atonement and intercession which is constant for us during our mortal lives. He is always available to us through faith in
the gospels, by which faith once engendered in us, we are able to approach him in prayer, with humility and reach out to him
in distress.
Christ is love. His words are words of life and the commandment he came to bring which was, in His words, the fulfillment
of the commandments given to Moses is one of whole mental spiritual and heartfelt love for God in principio,and real and genuine
brotherly love for our neighbour and ourself.
The instruction manual is the Gospel itself, comprising each of the four which bear a striking
correlation and resemblance to each other. That is they are not continuous but rather repeat what the others have to say in
a different individual style, of something like 20-50 pages each, depending on which, that of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.