Who can bestow a perfectly fitting description on this wonderful creature?
Made so pure, magnificent
and beyond compare, so as to be fittingly called the Mother of God?
Clothed in humility, this shining light acts as intercessor for us when we cannot for whatever
reason go directly to Christ Jesus and through whom, Jesus, who is God, the second person of the blessed trinity, the third
being the Holy Spirit, we approach the Father.
Annointed by God through Jesus Christ as our Mother also, her intervention is that of a
perfect Mother who is also the Mother of Jesus, the divine Son of the Father.
The salutation of the angel to her "Hail Mary, full
of grace," leaving no doubt that she was conceived without sin.. uniquely so, so as to be worthy to be the Mother of God,
whom she bore in her womb by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.
The analysis of the blood of Christ taken from the Ark of the Covenant onto which it fell
at his crucifixion, even by jewish scientists showed that it cellularly contained only 24 chromosomes, 23 from Mary and one,
the male chromosome from the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt the Virgin birth of Christ.
Dedication to Mary, is a signal
of predestination for heaven rather than hell and the Rosary is a sign of that dedication.