Oceans apart
we slide into obscurity
we, when we were joined
felt no such isolation
felt no such misdemeanour
the world was truly only a ball of land with seas
no oceans separated us
which create fear
we were surrounded by oceans in the sky
filtering the sun
to land gently on our planet
nourishing our god given life
but we mistepped perhaps
perhaps we went too far
and the water fell from the sky and divided us
into separate regions
knowing this great flood
was accompanied by tumultuous subterranean forces
we reason that this
was related.
we reason
that the earth was divided
by our stupidity
and we know and understand
that gravity has been dealt gravely by us
and has responded in a similar manner
altering the shape, size and conditions of
the earth
not to our demise
not to its correction
but to its bringing forth
of its final demise
when fire sends down its destruction
in its turn
on balance
on mankind
on his soulful quest
for freedom.
on his spiritless quest
for an illusion
on both