Courage, then, and begin now! Thousands of others of the same flesh and blood as yourself have
done it! Choose a feast day, the first that comes. In the meantime, prepare yourself by quietly reading over all these ideas.
When the appointed day comes, go to Confession, receive Holy Communion devoutly, and then make your consecration to
me; for you could not find a better moment than that when I am in your heart. It is very necessary, though, that the consecration
should be complete, that it should constitute a whole program of life. Hence, to make it easier for you, there is a form of
consecration appended to this pamphlet, which contains everything essential. Once more I repeat, have no fear.
You are not bound to anything under pain of sin, even venial. I want a big heart, generosity and love. I only ask you to do
what you can: and who is there who cannot do this?
Then do not forget to renew your daily offering at home or in the church, for this daily renovation
is very important. If you do not renew it, it will quickly slip from your mind; if you do renew it, then you will end by fulfilling
it. Choose this holy way with decision and determination and you will soon feel a warm stream of new life-giving blood flowing
through your veins.
In conclusion, two pieces of advice: Firstly, do not forget me in the Tabernacle. Honour paid
to my Image is certainly very pleasing to me, but my own Person is of far more value than the image. The Eucharist is, in
a special manner, my sacrament for it is the sacrament of love.
I should like you to receive me often, and, if possible, to pay me visits during the day. you
have no idea how I reward these friendly calls! Secondly, you might be able to find a little time in the course of the day
to read and think over something about devotion to my Sacred Heart. Thus day by day the seeds of this divine devotion will
be striking deeper root in your heart.
Queen of Heaven, my loving Mother, I (name) though weak and unworthy, yet encouraged by the loving
invitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, desire to consecrate myself entirely to Him. I desire to offer everything through
your Immaculate heart, and with a childlike trust in your care, look to you to help me in carrying out my resolution.
Most Sacred heart of Jesus, freely and with all my heart do I accept this agreement between You
and me. I shall care for your interests and you will care for mine. I desire everything of mine to be Yours, and place it
in Your hands - my soul, my eternal salvation, my freedom, my spiritual progress, my life, my health, whatever good works
I am able to do, my family, my possessions and my work - so that You may dispose of all according to Your will. I shall do
my best in all these affairs, but shall remain content with whatever Your loving Heart decides for me.
In return, I ask that the time left to me may not be wasted. I wish to do something important
to help you reign in the world. By prayer, by my daily work, by my sufferings and acts of self-denial, by all that I do I
desire that every moment of my life may be used to establish Your divine Kingdom. Then may my last words be words of love
of your most Sacred Heart.
Promises to Those Devoted to my Sacred Heart.
"I shall give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.
I shall establish peace in their homes.
I shall comfort them in all their afflictions.
I shall be their secure refuge during life and above all in death.
I shall bestow blessings on all their undertakings.
Sinners will find in my Heart the Source and Infinite Ocean of Mercy.
Tepid souls will grow fervent.
Fervent souls will quickly rise to high perfection.
I shall bless every place where an image where an image of my Heart is set up and honoured.
I shall give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
Those who promote this devotion will have their names written in my Heart, never to be effaced.
My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine consecutive
months the grace of final penitence; my Heart will be their safe refuge in this last moment."