The British government this past week received a medical
research recommendation that controls be placed on mobile phone use, especially for all young people under the age of sixteenThe
British report said that children in particular are considered to be at risk because their nervous systems are still developing
and because the smaller size of a child's skull allows greater absorption into the brain tissue of the low level microwaves
emitted by mobile phones They are still forming structures in the brain. They are still forming synaptic connections throughout
the whole brain. You introduce something that is going to change things there and you are running the risk of producing a
permanent alteration in some aspect of cerebral functioning.
The medical report makes a series of recommendations to
the British government that include: 1) To reduce cell phone radio frequency exposure five times lower than current regulations.: 2)
To monitor workers exposed to radio frequency radiation.: 3) To do independent audits of microwave masts and their emissions
to make sure they are not exceeding agreed upon levels.: 4) To create exclusion zones around microwave masts that are clearly
marked.: 5) To create a national system to test shielding devices and hands-free kits.: 6) To fund a substantial research
program under an independent panel to study the health effects of mobile phones, financed equally by the public and industry
sectors. As electromagnetic pollution proliferates around the planet and scientists in countries such as Great Britain,
the Netherlands and Australia continue to raise cautionary alerts, one of the first medical pioneers to study natural electrical
currents in the human body and to caution about electropollution is Robert O. Becker, M. D. Twice Dr. Becker has been
nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine. In Dr. Becker's 1990 book, Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, Dr.
Becker showed how our human bodies and immune systems are being adversely affected by man-made electromagnetic fields from
power lines, radar, microwaves, satellites, ham radios, video display terminals, and even electric appliances. In his book,
Dr. Becker pointed out that radiation once considered safe,is now correlated with increases in cancer, birth defects, depression,
learning disabilities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer's Disease and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." He told me this
week that he met resistance in finding funding for his pioneering research in the same way that scientists and medical people
today cannot get funding for independent research on microwave and electromagnetic impacts on human health. There are now,
he says, too many industrial and political interests vested in the exponential growth and profits of the global telecommunications
industry, regardless of the impact on cancers and neurological disease. I asked him what his current perspective is on the
controversy surrounding the safety of cell phones and electromagnetic pollution. . ODD CHANGES TO THE PROTEIN STRUCTURES.
her first pregnancy. Her daughter was born with slight brain damage and immunity problems. "That baby was always sick," says
Garcia. Teresa spent only three days at the lookout during her second pregnancy. Her son was born with autism. Garcia and
Jasso also have a terminal condition known as "toxic encephalopathy," involving brain damage to frontal and temporal lobes.
This was confirmed by SPECT brain scans. Twelve others in the two-family group who also had the scans were diagnosed with
the affliction. "All of us with this condition have been told that we’re dying," says Garcia. "Our mutated cells will
reproduce new mutated cells until the body finally shuts down." Nuclear bombs on a pole Painful conditions endured by
the families of Garcia and Jasso are identical to those suffered by Japanese victims of gamma wave radiation after nuclear
explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Five decades of studies confirm that non-ionizing communications radiation in
the RF/microwave spectrum has the same effect on human health as ionizing gamma wave radiation from nuclear reactions. Leading
German radiation expert Dr. Heyo Eckel, an official of the German Medical Association, stated, "The injuries that result from
radioactive radiation are identical with the effects of electromagnetic radiation. The damages are so similar that they are
hard to differentiate."1 Understanding what happened at Likely Mountain is critical to understanding the public health
threat posed by radiation in the United States. The families of Garcia and Jasso, plus previous lookout workers and multitudes
of tourists who visited Likely Mountain for camping and sightseeing, were beamed by the same kind of high frequency radiation
that blasts from tens of thousands of neighborhood cell towers and rooftop antennas erected across America for wireless communications.
The city of San Francisco, with an area of only seven square miles, has over 2,500 licensed cell phone antennas positioned
at 530 locations throughout the city. In practical terms, this city, like thousands of others, is being wave-nuked 24 hours
a day. The identical damage resulting from both radioactive gamma waves and high frequency microwaves is a pathological
condition in which the nuclei of irradiated human cells splinter into fragments called micronuclei. Micronuclei are a definitive
pre-cursor of cancer. During the 1986 nuclear reactor disaster at Chernobyl in Russia, the ionizing radiation released was
equivalent to 400 atomic bombs, with an estimated ultimate human toll of 10,000 deaths. Exposed Russians quickly developed
blood cell micronuclei, leaving them at high risk for cancer.