I met a woman married to a famous entertainer in whose presence she told me she had dealings with people at
the WTC on a regular basis; that during lengthy phone conversations with her financial/business contact/s at the WTC in the
months leading up to 911 he described to her the wiring up of the building with explosives that was going on right before
his eyes not by Al Qaida but by American personnel.
When the planes hit she said she immediately wondered whether "it had something to do with it." When the buildings
collapsed, she said, she "knew " it did.
When asked when she first knew it was an inside job, she replied with a voice croaking with disgust ..... "straight
Not some crackpot but the very beautiful and intelligent wife of one of Americas leading entertainers.
Speaking of treason, isn't it treasonous to spend taxpayers money on caves and tunnels no one knows anything about, and
therefore are not in the public interest?
Seen one of these lately? ........