We enter in a world of woe
Some say we don't know where to go
I say this, my matador with a guitar
Play on, for the world still turns
Play on and perhaps from the mist
A new light echoes off our hearts
A light long sought but safe at last
We'll gather up the crumbs
laid down from our past
Crumbs we loved but shed so poorly
Crumbs of messages, crumbs of wisdom
crumbs of love now found their mark.
We whisper abroad across the ocean
We message some with our faint hearts
We whisper quiet words of devotion
To still the weakening of the heart
We love and long for liberation
From the twisted scum in the White House
We cross the ocean on our bark
we call to gods who cannot
hear us
long to see His Face in the sky
Silence is the deafening answer
Though we pray on bended knee
We are not accustomed to the slaughter
Of mind and heart and loving thee
We are no wiser now we've come here
This is not our home we see
We sail beyond the blue horizon
We put in ports of melancholy
Around the world the murmurs similar
are for all the world to hear
There is a dying and a thunder
A rumble, a pause, then destiny
Is to side with quiet resignation
To the fate that God has for thee.
This is our aim, our goal, our introduction
To echo from the dying tree
Of liberty
A cry to
power from within the soldier
A cry that emanates on the street
No loss of life,
no diminishment of soul or mind
Hell to freeze, wailing in far off breeze
Hell to lose to
the clouds once more
Oh go far from us you poor lost devils
Or else we cross
your boundary
Go far from us till all is broken
And being defeated you disappear
We come across a long lost daughter
Of the halls of Israeli
We know, we know
that love has brought her
But we feign our mystery
Come sweet child
of heaven's daughter
Come to us in Australie
We will build you
up with sweet clear water
We will mend your symphony
Hath your monies
ebbed away
Fear not for we are not made of hay
Come sweet child, come to clear blue
Come and taste the rasberry tree
Come, oh come!
To Australie